
Mehmet Turan Mehmet Turan

The Puzzling Case of the Struggling Amazon Product

I recently encountered a fascinating scenario that left me scratching my head. An entrepreneur approached me, seeking help with a product that wasn't selling well on Amazon US. He believed the root cause lay in how the product was presented. Now, as someone who thrives on contributing meaningful solutions, I wasn't about to jump to conclusions. Before diving in, I needed to analyze the competition and understand the entrepreneur's perspective.

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Mehmet Turan Mehmet Turan

The Impact of Visual Quality on Amazon Product Sales: A Comprehensive Guide

As the world's largest online marketplace, Amazon has become a go-to destination for millions of customers searching for products. With such a vast array of options, it's important for sellers to make their products stand out from the competition. One crucial element that can significantly impact product sales is visual quality. In this article, we'll explore how visual quality affects Amazon product sales and offer actionable tips for improving your product's visuals.

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Mehmet Turan Mehmet Turan

What makes a product sell?

In today's highly competitive market, selling goods online has become more challenging. To successfully sell goods online, businesses must present their products in a way that attracts customers and convinces them to make a purchase. One of the most effective ways to do this is by using high-quality product images that showcase the product in the best possible light. This article will discuss the properties needed on an image to help sell goods.

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Mehmet Turan Mehmet Turan

How effective are strong images on Amazon sales?

The rise of e-commerce has dramatically changed how people shop, and Amazon has been at the forefront of this revolution. With millions of products available at the click of a button, it can be challenging for sellers to stand out. One way to do so is by using strong visuals to showcase their products. In this article, I'll explore how much of a difference strong visuals can make on Amazon sales.

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Mehmet Turan Mehmet Turan

Effect of strong images on Amazon sales

In the world of e-commerce, a product's visual appeal can be a buyer's deciding factor. This is especially true on Amazon, where shoppers are bombarded with endless options and are looking for ways to differentiate between them. With that in mind, it's essential for Amazon sellers to understand how strong images can affect sales and how post-production can help improve their product images.

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